Groundbreaking Begins

Thursday the 4th of May saw history being made, when work started on the building of Spaceport Sutherland.

The groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of construction was attended by a number of officials and stakeholders including Richard Lochhead MSP, Minister for Business for the Scottish Government, Jamie Stone MP, Ian Annett, Deputy CEO at the UK Space Agency, David Oxley, Director of Strategic Projects with Highlands and Islands Enterprise, and Dorothy Pritchard, Chair of Melness Crofters Estate as well as many Orbex officials and local representatives that have supported the development of the spaceport over the years. Sutherland Spaceport is intended to become the first carbon-neutral spaceport in the world, both in its construction and its operation. One illustration of this is how peat lifted during the construction will be re-used to repair large areas of peatland that have degraded over centuries.


The journey to prime


SCOTLAND’s Sustainable Spaceport